
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cup of Joy

Can you believe it's already the end of Tuesday? Where has this week gone! I'm sitting here, after a full day of school, sipping on some seasonal pumpkin spice tea of course. How cute are these tags?

Isn't that just the sweetest? 

Anyways, I started this blog quite a awhile ago but up until just recently haven't really put too much time into it. Although, a lot has been going on over this past year a little injury has side lined me from my usual after school outlet: running. I love to run but I know that if I want to get 100% better I need to give myself sometime to rest and truly recover.

Will this be tough? Oh my gosh yes! I have tried to take a break multiple times before but I just stinkin love to run! But alas! That is where this little blog comes in. Hopefully, fingers crossed, I can pour some of my extra energy and time into this little guy.

Just as my tea note says today: choose joy. I have the choice each day to choose to be frustrated or to choose to see this as an opportunity to switch things up for a bit, change my pace, and come back in a few weeks feeling stronger!

Day 1: Positivity at it's finest. Let's see how tomorrow goes!

Have you ever been injured? How did you recover? 

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