After a relaxing Friday night with take out and the newest episode of Shark Tank I unintentionally woke up bright and early. Winston, our dog, has no concept of what a Saturday morning is. We wake up at 6am Monday-Friday so why on earth would we do any different on a Saturday morning?
Ahh but alas there is always a silver lining. Wake up at 6am = 7am yoga.
By 8:30am I could check my work out off of my to do list, and even had time to swing by the grocery store for some snacks for our afternoon excursion to Oktoberfest in Hermann!
It was a perfect chilly fall day. We brought blankets, ate brats, drank wine. It was glorious.
An all day wine and brat event on Saturday meant a slow slow start to our Sunday morning. I loved waking up to clear skies and sunshine this morning. Winston was definitely a fan too.
After some much needed coffee and water I laced up my shoes and headed out on a 6 mile run. I have to soak up as much of this perfect fall weather as I can!
The rest of the day was spent grocery shopping, a quick trail walk with the doggies, and grading papers.
Oh and we were booed tonight! How fun! So, tomorrow afternoon I will need to stop by the store to pick up some goodies to boo another family in our neighborhood!
This is going to be a busy busy week. We have our Girls on the Run practice 5k, parent conference scheduling, meetings after school almost every day. Did I mention Halloween is this weekend? Yep, this will be a totally chill normal week at school.
How are you soaking up this fall weather?
How do you balance work and life?? Anyone have a magic formula?
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