
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Spring Break 2016

Spring break 2016 you have been good to us. Sunny Clearwater Beach has provided us nothing short of soft sand, the salty ocean, $2 mojitos, and at this point our sun burns are very manageable. 

Future note to self: be sure to not use the spray sunscreen on your very Irish husband. The man will be left with large red spots all over his upper body and fingerprints on his face. You will then be guilted into rubbing aloe on said spots each night until they subside. Which is fair by the way since you were the one spraying the sunscreen that first day. 

Other than the minor sunburn issue the rest of our trip really was wonderful. We stayed right on the water and each morning as we grabbed our coffee we were greeted with this beauty. A bustling beach resort but absolutely beautiful. 

As far as my running goes, each morning I was able to lace up my shoes and get in between 4-5 miles. I would run from our hotel, along the beach, over the Clearwater bridge and then back again. This was my view from the Clearwater bridge. These runs were gorgeous but when you run in Florida you have to plan for it. The humidity is no joke. Each morning I would come back to the hotel and look as if I jumped in the ocean! Needless to say we drank a ton of water. 

While each morning began with the view above, our days ended with this gorgeous sunset. Everyone on the beach would stop what they were doing and take pictures of this sky. We were always shocked by how quickly the sun actually went down once it started. 

Our last day in Florida we had to check out of our hotel at 11:00am and our departure flight wasn't until 9:35pm... So, what did we do for ten hours?? Well, we spent a good chunck of that time exploring Tampa! We found the river walk on accident and followed this route along for quite aways. 

We came to a point in our afternoon where we were both ready to plop ourselves down and be done adventuring for the week. So, we found ourselves at the airport eating trail mix, catching up on some reading and awaiting our flight. 

This week back at work should be interesting (Edited to say: I don't even remember Monday - I'm pretty sure I slept walk throughout my entire day). Is anyone actually prepared to dive back into work after vacation? I need to remember to give ourselves at least a 1 day bumper between vacation and real life. 

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